Taking Care Of Your Pool

When you have a pool, it can be hard to figure out what you need to do in order to make things the best they can possibly be. Oftentimes, people really struggle to figure out what they need to do, which is why many folks give up on the entire process altogether and let the condition of their swimming pools deteriorate. Although it can be easy to let things go, you can tighten things back up by using a few simple methods for success. For instance, you can work with a professional pool contractor to track your chemistry, and you can also work with other professionals to ensure a clean, healthy, beautiful pool area.

Getting Your Pool in Shape for Closing: What You Need to Know


Just because it's the end of the pool season doesn't mean you can neglect your pool. If you neglect your pool now, when you go to open it next season, it might be difficult or time-consuming to get it clean and clear again. You will want to close your pool when it's clean and your water is balanced with the right amount of chemicals. If you don't have enough, you could open your pool to a black or green mess. Read on for tips to get your pool into shape in order to get it closed for the season.

Check the Water Level

You need to make sure the water level is right before closing it. You are going to have to vacuum it at least once more and you want any chemicals to be able to circulate before closing it as well. Check the water level the day or two before you close it to ensure there is enough water in it to do these things. It should be at least halfway up the skimmer opening. If you aren't sure of where the water level should be, you can look at the skimmer opening to see if it's marked on it. Add water to your pool if necessary.

Vacuum the Pool

Vacuum the pool one last time to get rid of any dirt and bugs that may have settled to the bottom of the pool floor. Do a thorough job and try to go as slow as you can to ensure you are sucking up all of the debris, and not just pushing it all around. If your pool is very dirty, or you have an issue with algae, you may want to consider vacuuming it to waste to get rid of the algae completely from your pool. Once you are finished vacuuming, be sure to backwash and rinse to get rid of all of the debris.

Add Chemicals

Check the chemical levels in your water and add anything necessary that you may be low on. You want your water to be balanced before you close it, although you are also going to add chlorine to the water before closing it completely to ensure it stays clear throughout the fall and winter seasons. Add the necessary chemicals you are low on to help get rid of any algae issues you have. Then allow the chemicals to circulate through your pool for at least 24 hours before closing it for the season. 

Add Chlorine/Shock

When you are closing your pool, after the cover is put in place, you should add your chlorine/shock. You're going to want to add extra of what you typically would add to your pool on a normal basis. Again, this is because you want your water to remain clean and clear while it's closed for the season. The cover will help to hold the chlorine/shock in the pool and not burn off as it would normally do in the sunlight.

If your pool water isn't in good shape now, it won't be next season either. Be sure you take the time to get your water balanced and the pool clean before you close it to ensure it's clean and clear when you open it next season. You may want to consider hiring a pool service to do all of this work for you. For more information about swimming pool services, contact a local pool contractor.


28 September 2020